Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Friday, February 3, 2012

TOP 6 the GREATEST feelings ever !

based on my experience

6. When your baby@toddler come to u and give u a sincere hug when u never asked him to.or when he calls you as sweet as he can be.that means it really comes from his heart. .shahrul do that sometimes.

5. Bila tengok dalam akaun bank, ada duit claim yang masuk, especially bila duit tu masuk lebih awal dari what u expect.mula la memuji pekerja kat bahagian kewangan tu efisien. of course u must expect duit claim tu akan masuk because that's your right money. tapi yang bestnya bila x dijangka bila kemasukannya.rasa lega that u don't have to deal with bahagian kewangan if duit never masuk pun dalam akaun.

4. When you're going to pay for the item that you really want within your budget, tiba2 sampai kat cashier, ada DISCOUNT atau pun SALE that you're not aware of..wow!

3. When your love ones (hubby @ parents @ siblings) give you CASH instead of gifts that probably you just LIKE. boleh la berangan2 nak beli something that u LOVE with that cash.

2. When you really miss having a baby.....

the best feeling when you see the second line, walaupun x seterang the first line on the home pregnancy test. rasa macam nak borong semua home pregnancy test yg ada kat kedai and repeat the test all over again.

1. Apabila seorang lelaki asked your hand in marriage..tak semestinya dengan ayat yang tersusun berbunga2..tapi cukup sekadar apa yang dilakukan is going towards it.the thought of that someone is willing to LIVE with you the rest of HIS life really is the greatest feeling ever. ayat " ada jugak orang nak kat aku" really has a deep meaning, you know. if you think about the real meaning of "aku terima nikahnya...." in Islam, you'll be really touched (emo sekejap)

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