hasil pencarian some birthday gifts for mak (3rd nov) and wancik (1st nov)
since adik dah belikan wancik a new handbag, it will be nice to have a new purse to go with it
this is for Mak
semasa di CR2, my eyes stop at this ! sgt cantik lg SELESA !
sgt berkenan..tapi I tried to be nice.walaupun aku suka, aku pasang niat utk beli utk Mak sbb the shoes and handbag sesuai sgt bila dipakai together-gether.so aku pun tanya la salesgirl "ada x saiz 4?" sbb mak pakai saiz 4 while aku pakai saiz 5
salesgirl ckp xder.dlm hati ku berbunga.yes ! I can have it for myself.hehe
sesuai x?
p/s: kasut tu masih belum pakai lg sbb sayang...hehe
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