I wish that I am strong enough to take care of myself so I can take care of the people I love.no more spoiling myself with good,delicious yet unhealthy food. I'm ok with my shape/weight now.I am taking very slow steps to change my eating habit.if I lose weight...that's the birthday present that I really wanted. Only I can give to myself
my very first birthday present from dear husband.dia pulak yg excited nak bagi sbb he was sure that I'll love the gift.
he was never the type that gives presents on special occasions.he gives me everything I want anytime I want.tapi before this, he never give me a suprise = present on my birthday.hanya bagi duit je.maybe sebab dia x tau nak bagi apa.so he let me buy my own present.but this year I thought he was very thoughful because whenever he asked what I wanted for birthday, I would answer "jam Solvil et Titus." I never hope for it because he doesn't know brand names....especially Solvil et Titus.he never heard of it actually. but the fact that he searched for this name in the internet really touched me.to me that was romantic.
pandai By pilih.not bad
our special dinner pula di Alamanda je
the story behind it was..he was really tired on the night of my birthday when we should have been having special(read = more expensive than the usual) dinner. balik kerja je dia terus tido sbb he didn't sleep the night before.tapi being a good wife that I am...(haha..puji diri sendiri : p)aku masak apa yg ada dlm petiais.not so special but the fact that I didn't wake him up to go out for dinner on my birthday really impressed me. sebenarnya aku juga malas nak keluar rumah.
so bila dia bangun dari tido, he really apologized and asked me to get ready for dinner outing.tapi dia terkejut sbb dinner was ready and HOMEMADE ! (part tu yg lebih suprise dia kot)muahahahah
so hari berikutnya boleh la demand nak makan taraf hotel ke.the reason? because he was sorry birthday dinner was delayed.tapi being a good wife that I am...(hahahaha again), I requested The Manhattan Fish Market je.alasan? bosan dgn ayam.end
balik rawang plak mak beli cake...the usual SR Chocolate Indulgence.tq Mak.Pit bagi Longchamp (tetiba it's a Longchamp now instead of handbag?)kebetulan baru balik dari Paris.tu bukan hadiahnya ye, tu 'buah tangan' je.I LIKE ! dia kata hadiah lagi 2 minggu..wonder what would that be?
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